Ice Latte with Yunnan 503°




This ice latte is made with our single origin drip bag coffee, Yunnan 503°, which enhances the ice latte with its unique flavour.



Yunnan 503° drip bag

80g hot water (100°C)

60g ice

120g milk (or non-dairy milk)

*Milk with higher fat is most recommended (such as Norco Pure Jersey Milk, Norco Capo Barista Milk)


Start Brewing:

  1. Boil some hot water and set up the Yunnan 503° drip bag for brewing (the way of setting up the drip bag is the same as the standard brewing method)
  2. Start the timer and pour 20g of hot water, wait until 1min - 1m 15s.
  3. Pour another 20g of hot water.
  4. When the water is drained, pour 20g of hot water in.
  5. Repeat step 4.
  6. Put away the drip bag when the water is drained.
  7. Prepare 60g of ice in a cup/glass, pour in 120g milk or non-dairy milk.
  8. Add the Yunnan 503° filter coffee (from step 6) to the cup/glass.

Your Ice latte is perfectly done!

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